My son is looking for advice on a first bait caster reel. Initially, it will be used for casting and retrieving crank baits and stick baits. Plans to use 10lb test, maybe 12lb. While I have a few bait casters, they are mainly for trolling or large bait fishing. ie I don't cast them that much. My only advice has been to get one that has large opennings so you can get the birds nest out easier! <br /><br />He is right handed, but since he is just learning, is it better to get a LH reel? It would be more consistant with the spinning equipment he has used. <br /><br />What does a flipping switch do? Is it needed to cast via the flipping method? While it is more important for jigs and plastic, just want to make sure it is not a nessity. <br /><br />Is a magnetic brake important for beginners? Most of the bait casters I do have, are the large round type with centrifical brakes. What he is looking at, are the more lower profile, bass type reels. <br /><br />Reels he has been looking at: Pinnacle Matrix II $80, Quantum Accurist AC500CX $70, and some lower end Plueger models. any recommendations? He has mainly been looking at last year models that went for $80-$120.