Back in 1992 I bought a 150HP motor which had been mounted by some kid onto a 15' bass boat rated to only 90HP.
The reason the kid sold the boat/motor was because the transom and stern of that boat had been cracked and split by the excess power from the 150 outboard.
The max HP isn't just for weight considerations, but for structural reasons too.
On the flip side, I learned that having a boat with less than max power can be unsatisfying. The first (and only) brand new boat that I owned was rated at 75HP but was equipped with a 50HP at the dealership. I definitely should have paid the extra money for the 75. I kept that boat longer than any other that I've owned, but throughout that time I always wished that I'd had the larger motor. There had been times when I simply couldn't get it on plane with a big passenger.
Back to the 150... I'd ridden in a 17' bass boat with a 115HP outboard and it was nice. That boat was rated for 150 but the owner was okay with the 115. However, when my big cousin and I got in the boat with the big owner, that boat could really tell we were there. :lol: Right then, I decided that if possible, that I'd always go with max HP when I could.
So when I bought my 17' bass boat, it had a 115 onboard which I replaced with the 150 before taking delivery. I was VERY happy with that boat! Probably my favorite of all the boats that I've owned so far.
My advice: get the max power on the boat for which it's rated and you'll be happier in the long run.