Re: Re-building a 2BBL carb ( Merc140/Chrysler carb )
Jamesr1, Normally ths is not a tough proposition, and I would check for your specific model on the internet, when I did my rebuild, there were a multitude of sites that walked through ths process, step by step. There are also many books on the subject, as well as included in the service manual for your engine(which sounds to be insufficient from your post). One gotcha, which is I think what Don was hinting about, is that during the process of taking the carb apart and reassembling, a profesional will be able to spot things that could be wrong that a simple rebuild will not fix.<br /><br />I love taking things apart and learning more about what is going on with my engine, and I am pretty sure you will be able to succesfully complete the proceedure if you follow the steps in a manual, but without specific knowledge of what problems to look for, it is also possible, depending on the condition of the carb, you might miss something, and still be back where you started, although one carb rebuild will be under your belt.