range on tank of gas

mr eye

Sep 13, 2008
i have an 18' bowrider with a merc 262 205 hp turning a 14x21 prop at 3ooo rpm boat speedo shows about 30 mph. I have a 20 gallon fuel tank, what i would like to know what is my approx. range. I know no one can answer 100% but a rough estimate from a similar size boat and engine package is all i am looking for.

relax and let the hooks do their work.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: range on tank of gas

at wot, the rule of thumb is 1 gallon per hour for each 10 hp. 205 hp will burn at wot, 20 gallons. boats are rated at gallons per hour, not mpg.


Nov 17, 2005
Re: range on tank of gas

A 2006 SeaRay 185Sport, 4.3L, 190HP, 26 gal fuel, 3000 rpm, 30.9 mph, according to boattest has a range of 114 miles, their test was run with 2 persons, 1/3 fuel, no water, min gear. You are probably looking at about 80 mile range if you are lucky. If you have a gps in your boat check the miles you travel and how much fuel it takes to refill and you can get an approximate range that way. You also want to figure the 1/3 rule in that range so you don't run out of gas.


May 31, 2002
Re: range on tank of gas

LMAO!! :D :D :D

You've got to understand, Mr Eye, that Tashadaddy (TD) has never grasped the concept of "range", in other words "how far can a boat go". That's why he can't answer your question. (This is almost as good as an oil thread ..... :) )

Boats are rated in whatever units are relevent to the information desired. If you want weight, then pounds or tons are appropriate. If you want length, feet or inches is appropriate. If you want fuel flow, gallons per hour is appropriate. If you want speed, miles per hour is appropriate.

If you want range, then miles per gallon or miles per ton (if you're burning coal) is appropriate. Since the original poster asked about range, these would be the applicable units.

Gallons per hour is completely useless without the additional information of SPEED, which then allows you to compute miles per gallon.

Example: Three boats all have 60 gallon fuel tanks and want to reach a marina 150 miles away before a storm arrives.

Boat A has a fuel flow gauge. He is burning 15 gallons per hour.

Boat B has a speedometer. He is going 20 miles per hour.

Boat C has both gauges. He is burning 12 gallons per hour at a speed of 36 MPH.

Which one has the range to make it to the marina???

Not boat A. He's going 30 MPH but doesn't know it. When he runs out of fuel after running for 4 hours at 30 MPH, at the 120 mile mark, he dies in the storm.

Not boat B. He's burning 10 gallons per hour but doesn't know it. When he runs out of gas after running for 6 hours at 20 MPH he's at the 120 mile mark also, right next to boat A, so they die together.

Boat C has calculated that at 36 MPH and 12 gallons per hour, he's getting 3 miles per gallon. With his 60 gallon tank that gives him a range of 180 miles. He makes it to the marina in 4 hours and 10 minutes, and goes out after the storm to help look for the unfortunate (stupid) boaters who should have headed for a closer marina.

Anyway, to answer the original question:

Go to Boattest.com and get a free membership just for giving them an email address. Then you can look at performance data of boats similar to yours.

I think a 262 is a V6, here's a chart from an 18' Sea Ray with a fuel-injected V6.


You can see that at 3000 RPM and about 30 MPH it's getting 6 MPG. So you'd have a THEORETICAL range of 120 miles with your 20 gallon tank (their range in the table is based on 90% of fuel capacity and this one has a 26 gallon tank). In real life, your boat isn't brand new and is probably loaded heavier than this test boat. I would guess that you would get a MAX of around 5 MPG, so your range would be a little under 100 miles. A good rule of thumb on a boat is "1/3 out, 1/3 in, 1/3 reserve". So I would say that you could go about 35 miles (7 gallons at 5 MPG) and safely return, as long as you just steadily cruise all the way. Any skiing, tubing, WOT, etc would DRASTICALLY reduce this distance.


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: range on tank of gas

As much as GPH is the standard for boats, I still pay attention to my MPG. It can be a difficult number to nail down, because it is so dependent on everything from rpm/power setting used, to water conditions, etc.

That said, you can get a bit of a baseline set of data, by constantly checking fuel consumed with where you went. I use the Ruler function in Google earth to track my outings in the boat as closely as possible - which actually ends up being quite accurate, because Google Earth is very accurate. Once I know my fuel burn for the trip and the miles involved, I know what my mpg is.

I've done this enough times at my standard cruise setting, that I know that I get about 3.5 mpg in that mode, in calm conditions to light chop. I like to have this information, because I do a number of things with my boat that require some preplanning in regard to where I will be going, required fuel load, etc.

It has also been nice to know because I just did some work for a government agency with my boat and was paid for my time, as well as being reimbursed for boat expenses. They were so used to living in a world of standard auto mileage allowance, that the complexities of figuring out probable boat expenses just didn't compute. It actually took me several weeks to get them to understand that fuel consumption would average about 3.5 mpg, but the final result would be clearly known at refuel time.

BTW, really the best way to get a good handle on your fuel consumption, is with a flowmeter. I would love to have one, but haven't made the purchase just because I don't feel like spending the money. All of them I have seen are somewhat pricey and my boat is an old, ugly workhorse, so I don't get too fancy with it.


May 31, 2002
Re: range on tank of gas

We must have been typing at the same time Jay! You must be sitting at the computer like I am because the New Orleans weather is too funky to get the boat out! :D

mr eye

Sep 13, 2008
Re: range on tank of gas

just want to thank everyone fore there replies. I think I now have a better handle on the whole thing. I love this site! thanks again.

relax and let the hooks do their work.


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: range on tank of gas

We must have been typing at the same time Jay! You must be sitting at the computer like I am because the New Orleans weather is too funky to get the boat out! :D

I wish I were sitting here just because of the weather. Instead, I am housebound because I have a severe case of poison oak, plus a staph infection in my face, which hurts like heck! So, I have been sitting here reading all sorts of interesting stuff on the net and blogging in various places, because I hate watching TV. I'm also swallowing massive amounts of antibiotics (two different kinds) and slathering medications for the poison oak all over myself. I may have to see if anyone is making a horror movie in New Orleans right now, because I look like some sort of zombie freak! Who knows, I might get a role.

As an old GF of mine used to say, "today, it sucks to be me," but that's OK - I find ways to amuse myself and my house is cleaner than it has been in a couple of months. For some strange reason, penicillin and penicilliin derivatives make me very hyper and I've been scrubbing everything in sight, doing all of the laundry, etc. When I run out of stuff to do, I might have to press my son's socks or something!