Ramp etiquette


Jul 1, 2010
So we went out for a little sun and fun yesterday with the kids. All was well until we went in to get the boat out. The launch ramp I use is wide enough for two boats at a time and thats about it with a steep drop off on both the left and right side.

No one was in line to launch so I hopped out and pulled the trailer around and get the boat. Another guy pulled up behind my boat and did the same thing. As we are recovering our boats some great individuals decide they simply can't wait to launch their 80ish master craft ski boat. The pull right in front of me and swing it to the left. Now I can't get out the guy next to me can't get out and he is headed to the drop off fast:eek: I scream at the top of my lungs (former military DI for 3 years). He snapped his head around hopped out of his truck with the deepest Texas accent I have ever heard and popped off with F U.

Now I am trying to help this man not only lose his boat and truck but his family as well. My wifey looks at me and says screw it let them be stupid. So here it goes his boat goes in starts just fine. Then wham falls clear off the edge of the ramp smacks the dock takes out half the boards they just replaced from some other genius last week and he starts to panic. Now mind you he is in an extended cab chevy with his work equipment still in the bed with the ladders strapped to the back and used carpet on top of all that. Gotta love carpenters. His wife who was running her mouth hops out but the kids all 5 in a three seat rear come flying through the passenger window.

Luckily the dock stopped him from going further. Unluckily his rudder and prop were destroyed. I nice guy with a dully diesel pulled him out while about 15 peoeple pulled up by this time to recover their boats. Made for a fun afternoon.


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Ramp etiquette

Luckily the dock stopped him from going further. Unluckily his rudder and prop were destroyed. I nice guy with a dully diesel pulled him out while about 15 peoeple pulled up by this time to recover their boats. Made for a fun afternoon.

I'd say that is the best outcome! Nobody was hurt and the boat was out of commission but repairable $$$$. He is either going to learn his lesson, suck it up, pay the price and continue, or sell the boat cheap to someone with more intelligence.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 27, 2009
Re: Ramp etiquette

Friday at the ramp, We have 2 launches at our ramp.
I'm having linkage trouble, But I'm moored away from the ramps. A pontoon is getting ready to load.

Not a problem, I get the truck circle around and this guy with the pontoon is taking his sweet time loading. Not just winch, clip and lock.. The whole sh1ebang. Not a problem right? Another ramp right?

Tell that to the kyackers that are taking up the 2nd ramp putting the roof bumpers on them.
Now I'm thinking carry them to the grass and move you car. I just stick my head ou the window and say "Really?". They look up and say yeah. 15 minutes later I can now get my boat because the pontoon left. Yes the kyackers are still there taking up the ramp putting them on the car.


Jul 1, 2010
Re: Ramp etiquette

Friday at the ramp, We have 2 launches at our ramp.
I'm having linkage trouble, But I'm moored away from the ramps. A pontoon is getting ready to load.

Not a problem, I get the truck circle around and this guy with the pontoon is taking his sweet time loading. Not just winch, clip and lock.. The whole sh1ebang. Not a problem right? Another ramp right?

Tell that to the kyackers that are taking up the 2nd ramp putting the roof bumpers on them.
Now I'm thinking carry them to the grass and move you car. I just stick my head ou the window and say "Really?". They look up and say yeah. 15 minutes later I can now get my boat because the pontoon left. Yes the kyackers are still there taking up the ramp putting them on the car.

I have all the time in the world when it comes to my boat, but when I am ready to go I am ready to go. I think I would have had a kyacker sandwich with my trailer by that point.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 18, 2008
Re: Ramp etiquette

I have all the time in the world when it comes to my boat, but when I am ready to go I am ready to go. I think I would have had a kyacker sandwich with my trailer by that point.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 29, 2008
Re: Ramp etiquette

The deep Texas accent F U would have had me laughing after the fall. I'd say I tried to tell you and waited until they asked for help. At first I'd act like I had a hearing problem, and then ask what the 'F U' was all about. I'd have a little fun with it.
Then I might help if his attitude changed.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 8, 2010
Re: Ramp etiquette

You?re a better man then I am. I would have laughed then said in a mocking southern accent F U? then laugh some more watching as he struggles getting out of a mess that you tried to prevent him from being in, in the first place. Sure it might be a bit harsh, but sometimes it?s the only way some people learn. I?m guessing the guy was never in the military and wasn?t familiar with the term ?hurry up and wait?. Some things you just never lose I guess. If he asked me for help, I may have helped, but I would have been expecting an apology and a thank you. He did at least thank you right?:rolleyes:


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Ramp etiquette

I had to deal with my biggest pet pieve this weekend also at the ramp. Double ramp, dock in the middle and a couple hundred feet of nice sand beach beside it. For some reason some people HATE getting sand on their feet, and feel it is necessary to tie up to the dock instead of just waiting at the beach. (guys with bass boats are the absolute worst about this, I swear they will dissolve if they get water on them)

Anyway, as luck would have it, two boats come in, tie off, and the owners slowly make their way to their vehicles. Nevermind there are about 10 rigs in line waiting, impatiently. The proper thing to do would have been either beach it, or have someone else in your party circle the boat on open water, not at the dock. Trailer order dictates loading order.

I've even had people tie off to the dock as I'm 15 feet from the water and backing down!! It usually ends in a silent standoff, i'll just stop at the edge of the water and clean out my boat while waiting for them to move.

yes, the dock even has a sign specifying it should be used for load/unloading passengers ONLY, and there are no docking cleats on the dock for a reason! (people tie off the structure/poles)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 3, 2010
Re: Ramp etiquette

My favorite are the guys who decide because their boat won't start, to work on it still loaded on the trailer and backed into the water....... Christ sakes!!! I have also had a problem once, but unloaded and beached the thing well out of the way to work on it. This seems to be happening more and more lately.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 3, 2010
Re: Ramp etiquette

yes, the dock even has a sign specifying it should be used for load/unloading passengers ONLY, and there are no docking cleats on the dock for a reason! (people tie off the structure/poles)

I agree..... I see this a lot. Only ones who do not bother me is the two older handicapped gents that frequent the local lakes in my area. I always give them a hand(they usually don't even have to get out of their truck). They can't get into the boat without the dock or a ladder.

I know you all probably think they should not be out there then....... but I know I will probably still be out there when I'm in that condition too.:redface:


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 20, 2009
Re: Ramp etiquette

barman84, you're a better man than I. I'm afraid a smug smirk would be all I'd have to offer that guy.
Perchin, I agree strongly with the courtesy for seniors. I have no end of patience for them. As a matter of fact, I'd forgive a crusty attitude and f bomb quickly if I though I could assist them. I even built my ice fishing shack to be more accessible for the elderly. :)


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2004
Re: Ramp etiquette

Too bad the dock stopped it all from going under. Be a great time for a line from the greatest Ford commercial ever "I've never seen something sink so fast .... like a rock!"

I agree with some of you; I'd be bustin' up laughing my ***** off, taking some pics with my phone too!

We have folks with no concept of eiquette here too. Sat night they had the 'Parade of Lights' for the 4th. We were pulling off the lake around 10:30pm. Had a guy with a pontoon that took about 20min to get it on the trailer (I'd be embarassed), and a 17-18' ski boat sitting at the dock waiting. Once the pontoon was finally gone, they just sat there waiting for the truck/trailer. I could have been a total d!ck and slid into the open dock area in front of them, and made them pull their boat around mine to load. Fortunately for them I wasn't in a d!ck mood, or getting low on fuel!


Jul 1, 2010
Re: Ramp etiquette

You?re a better man then I am. I would have laughed then said in a mocking southern accent F U? then laugh some more watching as he struggles getting out of a mess that you tried to prevent him from being in, in the first place. Sure it might be a bit harsh, but sometimes it?s the only way some people learn. I?m guessing the guy was never in the military and wasn?t familiar with the term ?hurry up and wait?. Some things you just never lose I guess. If he asked me for help, I may have helped, but I would have been expecting an apology and a thank you. He did at least thank you right?:rolleyes:

No apology and no thank you afterwards. Hell I used one of my ropes to pull him off the dock and got wet. Still nothing but the blank well Im an idiot look.:cool: worst of all his wife was hitting up my lady for flooring work at our house. She told me all about it and her answer was simple. Is your work as good as your boat launching technique to which the lady replied o no its even better then that. Priceless if it would have been caught on tape.;)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 14, 2009
Re: Ramp etiquette

I agree..... I see this a lot. Only ones who do not bother me is the two older handicapped gents that frequent the local lakes in my area. I always give them a hand(they usually don't even have to get out of their truck). They can't get into the boat without the dock or a ladder.

I know you all probably think they should not be out there then....... but I know I will probably still be out there when I'm in that condition too.:redface:
You are a good man.
We'll all be in that condition someday.
And hopefully what goes around comes around, and some young guy will be helping you when your time comes.