I launch into salt water, none of the ramps near me have a wash off station for boaters to use.
Has anyone ever used saltaway or similar pre-diluted in a weed sprayer just to rinse off the important parts like the brakes?
unless you rinse every time it comes out of the water (like when you launch it), it wont do much good. you also have to rinse saltaway off, or itself can cause problems.
I'm glad I don't boat in saltwater. Because I know I would go bananas every time I boated with flushing everything off. I've seen what saltwater can do and it isn't pretty. So I would most certainly be washing/hosing the boat, motor and of course the trailer every time at the quickest possible time myself. But that is just me... JMHO!
Cleaning your boat on the ramp is not very thoughtful, on many ramps there are always people waiting to get out an in, it is not a big deal to wait until you get to an area that you are not holding people up.