Ram Glide Charger Model 1550 Trolling Motor


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Howdy Boaters,

Just aquired, free of charge, what looks to be a very old, very heavy duty trolling motor...it needs major servicing, prop replaced, wiring sorted out, freeing up corroded together parts [ not rust, but galvanic-type ]

If anyone has any info on it, what is the thrust, when it was made, where I could find parts for it, is it even worth trying to restore it????... I would appreciate it.



Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Ram Glide Charger Model 1550 Trolling Motor

Just an update, still haven't found much info as to the Ram Glide Charger 1550, and it looks like I scored a somewhat newer, better Motor Guide in almost perfect working order for the same price...Just had to change some nuts & bolts, lube it up and it trolls real nice...it is the HAWG model from about the mid-seventies, has about 28# of thrust [about half the power I really need for a 17ft. Glasstream with a 115HP Merc [ about 12-1300 pounds empty and probably over 2,000 fully loaded]... but hey, the price and performance points satisfy this beginning angler on a budget...

Float, Float On...