Questions on 1995 HP Mariner for Lowe 1760MT


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2001
MrMerc (and others), I figured I would start a topic just dealing with a motor I'm looking at buying for my current boat.<br /><br />I'm going tomorrow to look at a (2) 1995 Mariner 4 strokes. The serial numbers are 0G301071 and 0G301097. The current owner upgraded to twin Suzuki 90's for his 24 foot Sea Cat. These motors have about 200 hours on them, I'm told, with 12" pitch props. I've visually inspected the engines, and other than the cowlings being faded, the engines are clean, with no corrosion or other visible problems. The motors have not been recently washed, so it does not look like the owner is hiding anything either, he seems like an honest guy.<br /><br />I plan on doing a compression check, looking at/draining/changing the engine oil, draining/changing the lower unit lube, taking off the prop/lookat the shaft seals and start/run them for a few minutes(with engine muffs). If all things look OK, probably get one of them.<br /><br />Now, the questions:<br /><br />1.) Were the 1995 50 HP 4-stroke Mariners decent engines? Anybody owned one of them? <br />2.) Who made them in 1995 for Mercury (Suzuki or Yamaha)?<br />3.) What would be a fair price just for the 1995 motor, in good shape? (I will have to buy a new prop, all steering/throttle cables, guages, etc. The guy only has the motor/prop).<br />4.) Should I do anything else before buying the motor, if everything else checks out?<br /><br />Thanks in advance.<br /><br /><br />Ron


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2001
Re: Questions on 1995 HP Mariner for Lowe 1760MT

Actually I had a typo in my title, I mean't to say "1995 50 HP" for the motor.<br /><br />Mrmerc, are you out there? I did some more internet research, and found a price of around $1,750 as being a book value price (I think).<br /><br />I also found the Mercury Express parts web site, and it showed me some neat diagrams of the engine and parts.<br /><br />Does anybody have any recommendations of a good parts site for used Mariner parts? I will need a shift assembly and a steering wheel assembly that will fit a 1995 50 HP mariner 4-stroke.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 2, 2001
Re: Questions on 1995 HP Mariner for Lowe 1760MT

The checks you plan to do on the motor seem pretty sensible to me. If you are able to drain the L/U oil before buying that would be a good idea. If you can wait until tomorow I can check the product history by the serial numbers and let you know what info. is available. This will tell what warranty work was done, when the motors were registered and to whom. Being 1995 these motors would have Yamaha powerheads. I seem to recall that there was an oil system related recall on these motors but I could be wrong. At any rate this will show up on the product history.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2001
Re: Questions on 1995 HP Mariner for Lowe 1760MT

Thanks mrmerc. I'll be going tomorrow evening (Tuesday) after work, so your timing is perfect. <br /><br />Then, my plan is to hopefully get the owner to agree to the following:<br /><br />I'll take to his place my clean 6 gallon fuel tank, my battery (for starting), my engine muffs (in case he can't find his), my compression guage (and different adapters), and my mechanical/electrical toolbox. I'll also take my drain pan and enough engine oil and lower unit lube to change it in the engine. I'll end up changing the engine oil again later if I buy them, (because I won't have an oil filter).<br /><br />I now plan on buying both of them, if the price is right,and sell one of them later. I'll fire them up on his test stand (with muffs), verify the water pumps are OK, run them 5 minutes or so, and feel the pee streams for temperature. I'll put it in gear manually (no cable are connected now), and listen for unusual noises and vibrations. I'll check the voltage, and see if it increases with RPM's, to do a quick charge test.<br /><br />I'll then change the engine and lower unit oil for the owner. I'll be looking for water and any metal particles. If they only have 200 to 250 hours on them, I'm expecting to see virtually nothing in the lubes.<br /><br />Finally, I'll check the compression and look over the fuel system.<br /><br />Hopefully, everything will be OK. And hopefully, the motors do not have any warrenty problems from the past.<br /><br />Their serial numbers are 0G301071 and 0G301097. The model number came up on the internet (Mercury parts express site) for me as a 7F50412ED. <br /><br />They both have a 48-73134A40 prop on them.<br /><br />Thanks again for your help on this.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 2, 2001
Re: Questions on 1995 HP Mariner for Lowe 1760MT

Both motors were registered June 11, 1995 by "North Bay Marina" to a gentleman in Herndon, VA. They show up as 1996 models for what it's worth. According to the registration they were used in salt water on a 21' fiberglass boat. There were several service bulletins all of which were perfromed on both motors. The following work was performed under warranty:<br />8/8/98 Fuel pump replaced<br />2/15/97 Cam Seal replaced<br />7/3/96 Some fuel system recall performed<br />9/20/95 Fuel leak repaired one carb replaced<br /><br />I hope this helps.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 2, 2001
Re: Questions on 1995 HP Mariner for Lowe 1760MT

One check that you didn't mention that I always do is to spin the prop shaft to check that it isn't bent. There should be no visible runout at the tip of the prop shaft.<br /><br />Don't be surprised if the engine oil is really dark. They always seem to be that way.<br /><br />Ron: If you need controls, steering system etc. I can set you up with what you need as well as merc parts. If you are interested please e-mail me direct at<br /><br />Good luck.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 2, 2001
Re: Questions on 1995 HP Mariner for Lowe 1760MT

One check that you didn't mention that I always do is to spin the prop shaft to check that it isn't bent. There should be no visible runout at the tip of the prop shaft.<br /><br />Don't be surprised if the engine oil is really dark. They always seem to be that way.<br /><br />Ron: If you need controls, steering system etc. I can set you up with what you need as well as merc parts. If you are interested please e-mail me direct at<br /><br />Good luck.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2001
Re: Questions on 1995 HP Mariner for Lowe 1760MT

Thanks mrmerc. I sent you an e-mail. I'm leaving work now to go check them out, if the owner is home.<br /><br />I'll be in touch with the outcome, thanks again.<br /><br />Ron