Questions about repalcing trim limit and trim sender wires on alpha I


Jul 19, 2003
During troubleshooting my power trim guage, I noticed the wires to the trim sender and limit switch are in poor shape. Dry rotted sheathing and broken/exposed copper, etc. I could probably get by splicing and wrapping the wire with electrical tape but would rather replace them both completely. How hard is it to pull new wires through the transom, and also is it necessary to use a "marine grade" wire (if there is such a thing) since it will be exposed to water? Is there a potential for leakage?


Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2003
Re: Questions about repalcing trim limit and trim sender wires on alpha I

I just replaced mine, but I had the entire transom assembly off. It is a bear to get at the bolts that hold the wires to the gimbal housing - it was even harder to get the bolts back in - and that's with the assembly on my workbench! :eek: If you're going to do it, don't try and splice the wire, etc - go ahead and buy the new trim limit and sender switches. They come with the wire and the rubber grommet halves that you will need.


Jul 19, 2003
Re: Questions about repalcing trim limit and trim sender wires on alpha I

Man, sure is a difficult fix for such a simple problem! I Blew the 20a fuse at the lake today so I disconnected the trim limit switch and used the down and trailer button. I suppose I will wait until winterization, if I can gather the motivation, to tackle this one. Anything else I should take a look at while I have it apart?