My 89 175 hp black max has the VRO removed, Pre mix 50:1 now. When winterizing would I ; In a water tank , Empty gas out of the carbs, hook up a pre mixed 50:1 and stabilizer added separate small tank of Gas. Remove carb cover on front or motor, Start Motor, let warm up. Spray fogging oil into all three carbs until it starts smoking good. Shut off motor if it does not stall. Empty Carbs of gas ? Or leave them with treated gas? ( I have been told to let the motor run out of gas and spray fogging oil in as it starts to stall) Take spark plugs out and spray fogging oil in each cylinder, turn over motor by had to spread oil. Put spark plugs back in. Spray fogging oil over carb and Throttle ,shifting linkage. Empty gear oil and put new gear oil in. Grease fittings? Just a little puzzled with VRO removed, first year I have had the boat. Afraid to let the thing run out of gas and issues resulting from that. I that normal? Suggestions?