I recently purchased a 1993 Hydrosport 185 CC equipped with a Evinrude V4 120 ocean pro (1993). According to the Hydrosport book the boat weighs around 1750lb. I have a steletto stainless steel(cupped) 17 1/4(i think) by 15 prop. Full throttle gives me around 5800 rpms with a speed of 28.7 mph. I was wondering how to get more out of the engine. The engine did have a 19 pitch on the boat and it would give 35-37 but at 6500 rpm. The motor manual states not to exceed 6000 rpm. I usually run the boat full of gas (80 gal) with only two people in it. Engine runs great. Compression gives about 120 - 130 on all four. Any ideas are appreciated. Anybody know the reputation of these motors?