Re: Putting out brush.
I use the whole trees,i dont attach coke bottles to them,I ancor mine with concrete blocks but i dont make piles i take an are and space the trees out 20 or 30 feet apart,seems like when you make a big pile there will only be one big fish on that pile but when have a single trees spread out a big fish will get on each tree,i have 2 coves im going to but brush in the mouths do have to be sneak when putting out brush if someone sees you they'll be all over it,im going to try to putting some out in a very remote spot just for that 1 kicker fish.if you put out green christmas trees it'll take 6 or 7 mounths for them to hold fish,because of the acid in the trees.I would love to have a ponton boat for this.what i do is take coke bottles with weights on them putting them out were i wont the trees to go and spaced apart right ,then i get i get my markings and trilanguations were each brush is,then after dark or real early in the morning i go back find my bottles dump the tree and pull up the bottles.with the bottles out like that you can all the way around them and get a real good idea of were its at and the best ways of fishing it with different baits,