Pulser Coil Failure


Jan 14, 2010
While on the water I got the warning buzzer then my 2004 Yamaha 115HP 4 stroke sputtered then went dead. After a period of time I was able to restart it then after about 15 minutes of operation it would go dead again. My mechanic put the tester on it and it said a bad pulser coil. The oil level is good and there were no overheats registered on the motor memory. It has a good stream of water from the hole in back of the engine. My question is, would a failing pulser coil cause the warning buzzer to go off and does this seem like it would be the problem? Thanks for any help you can offer.

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: Pulser Coil Failure

The alarm is for temperature and oil, not sure if a bad pulser coil could give an alarm signal. Maybe check all your wiring, connections, grounds, etc. before replacing electrical parts, or any parts for that matter. Keep us posted with what you find. Good Luck!


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Pulser Coil Failure

the F115 WONT stall at pulser coil failure. actually it may or may not stall at initial failure but will restart.
keep hunting.
if a pulser coil fails on the F115 it locks ign timing at 10 degrees BTDC,idle speed goes to about 1000 RPM,fuel is fixed and top speed cannot be reached and both ign coils are controlled by the ECU and all 4 plugs spark.
look for Four stroke systems certs,advanced systems or advanced 4 stroke on his shop wall.
no alarm tone for sensor or pulser coil failures.
ANY sensor failure will make it idle at about 900 RPM and top speed may or may not be reached depending on the failure.


Jan 14, 2010
Re: Pulser Coil Failure

Thanks for the advice. I went ahead and replaced the pulser coil and it ran fine for some time then I got the alarm and it went dead again and would not start. After 5 minutes it did start and ran fine. No problems noted when we put the computer back to it. We pulled the thermostat and applied heat to it and it looked to be moving properly. Could it be a sensor that is causing the problem? Any ideas would be great. Thanks again.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Pulser Coil Failure

well look at the bright side.
you now own a spare pulser coil.
you wont ever need it but you own it.
I tried to warn you :).
on to the issue.
NO its NOT sensor failure.
there are NO sensor failures that stall the engine on the F115.
ANY sensor failure,including a pulser coil failure,will lead to an increased idle speed and top speed may or may not be reached depending on which sensor failed.
when you get the alarm what indicate do you have on the digital tach it should be rigged with?
unless the code is active it wont store it on that ECU.
you will have to have the laptop or the diagnostic test lamp installed WHEN the issue occurs.
NO code set for an overheat on that model.
you can have low oil pressure or a defective switch and trigger the low oil pressure audible and RPM reduction but no stall unless its mechanically seizing.
you can have a temp sensor fail no alarm,temp sensor failure code WILL be set,unless its an inrange failure,increased idle speed wide open can be reached.
use an ifared temp gun on the ISC valve and cycle the valve 5 times back to back,temp should stay under 200 degrees.
I have seen sticking ISC valves draw excessive current through the ECU,overheating the ECU and then things get nutty.
that chatter you hear at engine shutdown is the ISC resetting to a 100%request from the ECU.
if its not present at key off shutdown hunt for why.

NO codes for ISC failure or sticking.

remember,the % opening you see on the laptop may NOT be the actual mechanical position.


Jan 14, 2010
Re: Pulser Coil Failure

Thanks again RODBOLT and hobohro. So if I understand you right, there is not a single problem that would give a warning then shut the motor down. Unfortunately I don't have the digital tach, just an analog. Might be a good investment. I will try cycling the ISC and let you know the results. When I last took the boat from my dock to the boat ramp (about 15 minutes) nothing went wrong and it ran like a champ. Seems like the problem only happens after running for an extended time (greater than 30 mins) and happens at normal running RPM and at idle RPM. Is the Idle Speed Control Valve doing anything at higher RPMs? Thanks,


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Pulser Coil Failure

the ISC at or near WOT is requested to go to 100%,if it cant make it its possible to overheat the ecu.
low battery voltage can give a shutdown and alarm.
if battery voltage is low the fuel system cant work,the motor will stall and you may get a battery voltage alarm
does the engine crank over normally after the shut down occurs?


Jan 14, 2010
Re: Pulser Coil Failure

RODBOLT, After shutdown it will crank but not start. After about 5 minutes it will start.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Pulser Coil Failure

I would look carefully at the ISC temp and the ECU temp.
but only once I am satified that oil pressure and temp are ok.


Jan 14, 2010
Re: Pulser Coil Failure

I took the boat out to the beach last weekend (a 20 min one way trip) and it ran like a charm. I varied the power and could not get a repeat. The only thing I did was run some of the salt-away through the cooling system. May have just gotten lucky on this trip. Will update if I get any more indications. Thanks again for the insights.