Re: pulling with 4cyl Ford Ranger
No certainly mean no disrespect Bob, but I think I disagree with that. Putting the drive wheels on higher drier ground sounds like a good plan on the surface, but it'll destroy your traction completely as there will be just about zero weight on the rear wheels, especially with a compact pickup truck and a steep ramp. I've seen many front wheel drive cars & minivans unable to tow out of a boat ramp (facing forward) because of this problem, and that's with the weight of the entire engine over the drivewheels, plus a couple of "bubbas" laying their body weight over the hood. A pickup won't have any engine weight he'd need about a ton of gravel in the bed to keep the tires from smokin, and that weight would likely overwhelm his clutch and 4 banger. Keeping it facing forward in my opinion is a better choice.