The concern about over stressing hard points used for towing is regarding the potential for whatever you're pulling to submerge and head for the bottom of the pond, causing a huge strain on everything involved.
So that in mind, a few thoughts.
1st, ever seen a tube go under water? Me neither...
Years ago before there were tubes like we have today, we pulled something like a wooden or plastic toboggan and "saucers" around. Those, if tied to a ski rope, I can see heading for the bottom under the right conditions.
2nd, a ski pylon with a 500 lb max rating doesn't sound like a real sturdy option. Depending on how it's built, and what it's mounted to, that rating may be lawyer speak (purposely conservative) - OR - it really is mickey mouse, and fastened to just the ply flooring, made from thin wall tubing, too small OD tubing, or similar.
I could go on, but I'll make this one last. Seems to this old feeble mind, that before any amount of strain got too crazy, the point where the rope fastens on the tube would let go, the rope would break, a fitting would let go, etc.
Bottom line, I don't think pulling a tube is that big a deal - under most circumstances anyway. That's me though. -Al