Proper use of Mercruiser fresh water flush kit wanted Take 2...


Nov 1, 2020
Re: Proper use of Mercruiser fresh water flush kit wanted

good point on the mufflers and the static water line. then in that case, re-plumb and run the motors. I wouldnt bother pulling the blue plugs for 90% of the flushes, probably just 3 or 4 times a year to flush out sediment.
I’m just reading this thread titled Proper use of Mercruiser fresh water flush kit wanted and had a question (similar to the original question regarding freshwater flush kit). I’m looking to winterize my 2 x Mercruiser 5.7 EFI (IO’s) for the first time myself. I have fresh water flush kits already, and am wondering if I can winterize them using the flush kit hook ups? Meaning after pulling the boat, can I first flush with fresh water, then hook antifreeze up to the fresh water flush kit, and have the engine suck antifreeze into the engines that way? And not bother with pulling plugs or hoses? an FYI, I have a closed fresh water cooling system.
Thanks foe any help!


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
can I first flush with fresh water, then hook antifreeze up to the fresh water flush kit, and have the engine suck antifreeze into the engines that way? And not bother with pulling plugs or hoses? an FYI, I have a closed fresh water cooling system.

Having closed cooling makes flushing with AF no chance of block issues and lower chance of anything happening to the raw water side. The issue is lower chance but not zero chance.

Being EFI (TBI, MPI, Alpha , Bravo, cool fuel Gen 2 or 3) means it has some form of cool fuel. Any AF going in will mix with water, and if enough AF is pulled thru the freeze limit will be low enough to be good, but that maybe not

Its all rolling the dice


Fleet Admiral
Mar 10, 2016
Huge gamble to most efforts at winteriseing, using the YouTube idiot method like this. Not so bad you have closed cooling, but usually to be avoided