propeller shaft coupling help


May 19, 2011
Do you have to have a split coupling machined to your propeller shaft? I am going to replace the cutlass bearing in the boat and had to pull the old one off to remove the shaft. The shaft is 1 1/4" but the section that goes into the coupling is 1". the shaft had a solid coupling like a BUCK ALGONQUIN (MC004) coupling on it that was a pain in the butt to get off and I think that it maybe warped. Before i removed the shaft you could turn the shaft by hand but it had one spot that you would have to apply more force to keep it turning. looking at the coupling with it off it looks warped but i don't know if i did that pulling it or if that was the reason for the slight drag, or if the cutlass bearing was the reason. i am going to put the shaft on a lathe and check it but i don't have a way to machine a new coupling and was hoping that a split couping would not have to be machined and would be easier to install. This is my first true inboard boat so a lot about the drive is greek to me.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: propeller shaft coupling help

I normally send the shaft and coupling to the machine shop. Let them put it on, check it and face the coupling if necessary. Then you know it's all ok.


May 19, 2011
Re: propeller shaft coupling help

thanks for the help. can most machine shops do this? i live in alabama around the birmingham area so there are a lot of machine shops but not many marine shops. also any thoughts on slight catch when turning the shaft? is it that likely to be caused by a warped coupling? i know the guy i bought the boat from said the shaft was replaced when he had a stringer fail but i don't know if the coupling was reused. based on the quality of the work they did i would say they probadly reused the old coupling.


May 19, 2011
Re: propeller shaft coupling help

also is there any downside with using a split coupling instead of a solid one? and when I order it should it be a 1" bore or a smaller bore like 7/8" and have the machine shop cut it for a tight fit on my 1" shaft


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 7, 2011
Re: propeller shaft coupling help

thanks for the help. can most machine shops do this? i live in alabama around the birmingham area so there are a lot of machine shops but not many marine shops. also any thoughts on slight catch when turning the shaft? is it that likely to be caused by a warped coupling? i know the guy i bought the boat from said the shaft was replaced when he had a stringer fail but i don't know if the coupling was reused. based on the quality of the work they did i would say they probadly reused the old coupling.

My local propeller shop does shaft , coupler and strut work in house. Your local prop shop would be a good place to start.


May 19, 2011
Re: propeller shaft coupling help

i found somewhere to do the work. i just need to know what coupling to order solid or split, 1" or 7/8". i know its probably 1" and a split one would be fine, I just don't want to order the wrong one and be screwed. please respond even if you think i'm stupid... i'm not i'm just ignorant about this and have learned it's better to ask than assume