I have a 1990 searay bowrider 180. It is 135 HP Mercury black max outboard. I just purchased this it currently has a 5 1/4x19 pitch ss Mirage. First time out i'm getting 4200 RPM If I trim it out just right and about 42 miles an hour. WOT for this engine is 5000 to 5500 from what I read. Was thinking about going to aluminum 14 1/2 x 17 pitch. I was told that I would gain 200to 400 RPM from the pitch change and another one to 200 going from SS to aluminum. Just wondering some thoughts I'm going out this weekend to buy the 17 pitch prop and try It. Any ideas on what this will do to my TopSpeed and hopefully I don't spin too many RPMs I don't want to damage the motor