The guy you are purchasing the hull from (Chuck) has been around boating for "a while", and I am sure that he can provide a pretty good estimate of what would be a good prop to start with, if you tell him what motor you bought, and what elevation waters you intend to operate on.<br /><br />I had an almost identical hull until a few years ago, which I used for fishing & "family boating". It was powered by a 140 HP which needed a 14x19 (inches dia x inches pitch) from sea level -up to- 2500 ft elevation, and a 14x17 from 2500 -up to- 5000 ft elev.<br /><br />Just realized (re-read your post on motor size...) I agree with ob regarding the motor. That's a LOT of motor to be hangin on this hull.<br /><br />However, if you INSIST on using that big a motor, my guess is that a 3-blade prop in the 15x23 range would be a respectable place to start. you MAY be able to get by with more pitch, if the motor has good compresion, etc. or need less pitch if it's a tad tired, or you go to higher elevations.<br /><br />in either event with this 235, I can relate to you from personal experience (BAD experience) You DO NOT want to be turning too slow (under 4700 at WOT), nor too hi an rpm (over 5200 @ WOT) on this motor, or else you will be buying a rebuild "P.D.Q.", as it has a tendency to break rings when turned too hard.<br /><br />But if I were in your shoes, I'd be asking Chuck, about motors AND props. I'm confident he'll steer you in the right direction for a starter motor and prop, and may even be willing to trade in or exchange your 235, for something a tad more suited to the hull.<br /><br />I also believe he would give you some pretty good advise on maint, fuels & oils, etc to keep from "shaking the rings" out of whatever motor you end up with...<br /><br />Good Luck, Obiwan Jeeper