Prop Question for all


Sep 24, 2000
Each time I rig a new boat this question comes up from the boss. What size prop are you going to put on this boat. I have yet to find a single source that will give me a good ball park for prop selection. I know in the Honda Rigging manual they have a few suggestion. But does anyone out there have a good chart that gives a good wag on what to use with different boats and different motors? I am not an expert on the prop side. i can do all the Honda work you like and still screw up on prop selection. I sure would like to learn this side of boating better......LOL<br />Hitman


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 17, 2001
Re: Prop Question for all

Hitman for one engine you may have four boats that will take it. That engine will take four props depending on the needs of the user. Until you can read the mind of the user you will never get it right.<br /> If its for skiig use the lower mid range.<br /> If its for cruising use the higher mid range<br /> If the boat is heavier than average shift the mid range towards the lesser pitch.<br /> Only change the prop if engine exceeds max rpm or doesn't reach min operating range.