I have a 1991 Galxie Walkaround with a Mercruiser 4.3 V6 Alpha One Inboard Outboard, my first I/O ever. I know little about this boat as the man I purchased it from had little to no knowledge of boats.
I took my boat out today and after slowing down to cross over a large boat's wake, I throttled back up and ........ nothing! All that I heard was the engine reving but no forard momentum. I immediately shut off the engine to see if I had snagged something. I hadn't. I started the boat back up and put it into forward gear... no momentum but plenty of reving. I then tried reverse. Same result.
After getting the obligatory tow back home, I am stuck wondering what may have happened and whether or not my boat needs to be hauled out for repair. I am able to spin the prop both CW and CCW in neutral. I have also been able to spin the prop CW with the throttle engaged in forward (although it spins smoothly and then gets "stuck" and then spins smoothly) but not CCW in forward gear. I am able to spin the prop both CW and CCW in reverse. I have observed the clutch cable move the clutch mechanism located at the top of the engine. But even though the clutch cable moves the mechanism, there is no engagement of the gears and no movement on the prop.
First and foremost, what are the possible mechanical issues which may have caused this particular set of facts. Secondly, does the boat need to be hauled to fix the possible mechanical problems, and lastly, while I am somewhat mechanically inclinded and wouldn't mind fixing this myself, are the necessary fixes difficult or require the engine to be lifted or anything else that may be well above my level of comfort/skill level.
I took my boat out today and after slowing down to cross over a large boat's wake, I throttled back up and ........ nothing! All that I heard was the engine reving but no forard momentum. I immediately shut off the engine to see if I had snagged something. I hadn't. I started the boat back up and put it into forward gear... no momentum but plenty of reving. I then tried reverse. Same result.
After getting the obligatory tow back home, I am stuck wondering what may have happened and whether or not my boat needs to be hauled out for repair. I am able to spin the prop both CW and CCW in neutral. I have also been able to spin the prop CW with the throttle engaged in forward (although it spins smoothly and then gets "stuck" and then spins smoothly) but not CCW in forward gear. I am able to spin the prop both CW and CCW in reverse. I have observed the clutch cable move the clutch mechanism located at the top of the engine. But even though the clutch cable moves the mechanism, there is no engagement of the gears and no movement on the prop.
First and foremost, what are the possible mechanical issues which may have caused this particular set of facts. Secondly, does the boat need to be hauled to fix the possible mechanical problems, and lastly, while I am somewhat mechanically inclinded and wouldn't mind fixing this myself, are the necessary fixes difficult or require the engine to be lifted or anything else that may be well above my level of comfort/skill level.