prop cavitaton/ventilation during sharp turns

NJ lakes

Aug 5, 2008
After a much longer than anticpated rebuild on our boat (16.5' Glasspar Citation, 1973) and putting a newer motor on (1981 Johnson 70hp 3cyl) we finally got out on the water the last 2 days. I noticed while pulling a tube and making a charp turn that the prop seemed to lose it's bite and the motor revved up while the forward momentum dropped off. This never happened with the older motor (a 1968 Evinrude Sportfour) but then again it may not have the same amount of power. I had the trim set at one notch above the center position, so I am wondering if I need to trim it back down to prevent this from happening. The motor is set at the lowest possible vertical position, and I believe the anti-cavitation plate is a bit below the bottom of the hull (I'll double check that).

Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance for the help


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: prop cavitaton/ventilation during sharp turns

a tube is a lot of drag, sharp turn, and the drag the prop is not going to get enough water, dropping the tilt may help.