Prop Basics?

Jul 18, 2003
I'm new to boating, I've got a 14 ft fiberglass fishing boat, I believe it's a 1988. It's got a 45 hp Merc Classic Fifty outboard, there is a label the says the boat is rated for a max 45 hp motor and 3 persons totaling 350lbs. I was wondering how fast it should be able to go and how different props effect the performace. The prop has these numbers on it 48 76232 A5 15P. I have no clue what those mean so if anyone can help I would be greatful.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 17, 2003
Re: Prop Basics?

I know for a fact that that motor if running properly will push you along well..prob 25mph or better. my brothers 25 horse on the same boat with 2 big men goes 17 mph. Thats kind of a low weight rating though i think as my 12 foot is rated for 650. If your by yourself, put somthing in the front with a little weight to reduce planing. Thats plenty motor for that boat. good luck..
Jul 18, 2003
Re: Prop Basics?

thanks for the input, the boat has two wieght ratings , one says 550lbs with motor and one says 350lbs or 3 persons, I know that motor is mor than 200 lbs so I an confused.