I put new kodiak trailer discbrakes, new brakes lines, new actuator, new<br />backup solenoid on my trailer. Word of advice, make sure you you test the<br />wire lead for the backup solenoid on the towing vehicle. My towing socket<br />had a diagram for the backup lights, but when I tested it with a meter it as<br />not active so I had to tap into a wire on the backup lights. If I took the<br />wire for granted it would have ruined the brakes when backing up.<br /><br />I also replaced all the leaf springs with galvanized leaf springs as well.<br />The old bolts were very rusted and fused together with rust. Using sockets<br />and a long pipe bar, I got the leverage to free the bolts. Some I were able<br />to free, others just snapped from the stress of the torque. It didn't<br />matter since I replace all the mounting hardware as well.