Procedure for re-spraying fiberglass top cowling?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 16, 2005
It's now time that I rub down and repsray my ugly top cowling. I've got my wife who's a grapic designer to draw the decals on corel draw and I'm going to get those printed off.<br /><br />What is the best way to prepare this cowling? I have Mercury black spray paint but should I priem/uncoat it first or can I just spray right on top of the old rubbed down paint?


Re: Procedure for re-spraying fiberglass top cowling?

You'll have to remove any chalkiness from the old paint. Wet sanding with 220 grit works well.<br /><br />You will get better paint adhesion if you prime it first with a primer compatible with your top coat.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: Procedure for re-spraying fiberglass top cowling?

If you got the original Merc black spray it's lacquer. Make sure your primer is compatible with lacquer.<br /><br />I'd do as DJ said with the 220 and after you wash it down and it is thoroughly dry, prime it.<br /><br />After that's setup good, I'd 400 grit wet sand it (the primer) and wash up, dry out, then put on your "Phantom Black".<br /><br />Don't know what you know about painting, and I am a long way from being an expert, but what I have learned about it is this: <br /><br />I lightly spray on a "prime coat" just getting paint on all surfaces; only interested in tack coat and not concerned about even coverage.<br /><br />Then after a few minutes...when it gets tacky, I come back with my (first) top coat. I like to have a light off in a distance and lay my head down close to the work so that as I apply the paint I can see the reflection of the light off the painted surface. When I get a shiny reflection in the area I'm moving back and forth over, I move over and do it again, then the next row and so on. <br /><br />Works for me and I have "rattle can" sprayed lots of machinery and engines and they look real good and overspray is non existent. <br /><br />This procedure has almost always resulted in thorough even coverage without runs. When dry it's nice and shiny.<br /><br />Then, if you want more than one coat, after thoroughly days later, come back with your 400 wet thing and then hit her again.<br /><br />HTH,<br /><br />Mark<br /><br />Mark