Details:<br /><br />1993 Yamaha Stern Drive<br />4.3l Engine<br />DR6 Series Drive Unit<br /><br />Does anyone know of a source for a new/replacement TRIM/TILT Pump for my boat?<br /><br />The Power Tilt/Trim has failed. Had a look and there appears to be a good 3/4 inch of brush left - although they where sticky in the holders.<br /><br />I cleaned them up and ran the pump up and down a couple of times and it went back to being really sluggish - seemed to be really loading up... Possible relief valve issues - but I don't have the skills to start digging in the pump. <br /><br />I have looked on the web and can't really find any sources for having this pump rebuilt - motor and all.<br /><br />Has anyone heard of replacing the Yamaha pump with something else??? I know that there would have to be some adapters made to hook up a new, say Merc pump, to my Yamaha hoses.<br /><br />Any help or direction will be appreciated!<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />4 K's