problems in 2500-300 range


Mar 27, 2004
Me again! Have a '73 Evin 50hp Lark. Motor runs as if on one cyl between 2500-3000. Makes 5500 RPM with no problems, and idles pretty good. I can't tell if it is running on one cyl, or if both are 'loading up'. I have a 46hp Rotax engine on my ultralight plane that will load up if the throttle is kept at idle for a long will bump a few times before resuming normal operations; all of the 503 Rotax engines do this. Anywho...I dorked around with the low speed needles in front of the carbs and set them as best I could...any ideas? Plugs are brand new surface gap (don't remember the number off hand, but they are the ones reccommended here...and I tried the non-surface gap as well. <br /><br />Thanks!!