pro v 150 cooling system

william donovan

Jul 28, 2004
92 model pro v 150. Hot alarm and dash indicator alarmed briefly 2 x last trip. tale stream appeared somewhat weak. I changed the w/p kit. No apparent difference when running on muffs. checked the right therostat when it was still warm and it was open. I tried running with therostat cover off and therostat out just to see if water was being pumped to the top of the engine. should there be water here? Can you run engine without therostats? Where are the poppet valves, and what other direction should I head? I have never had any trouble with motor until now.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: pro v 150 cooling system

the poppet valve is on the exhaust cover. the t-stats are in the heads.<br /> all must be working correctly or the motor wont work correctly.<br /> repair it as designed and dont skanky rig it and it will give years of service. you waited to long and now we are doing corrective maint instead of preventative maint. next time we may do pistons as well as cooling system work. good luck and keep posting