Primer Bulb Question..Help!

steve forsythe

Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 7, 2001
When i first start my motor i prime the bulb until it gets hard. I then push the key and turn to choke and start. (200hp carbed Merc) It doesnt get real hard and feels like there is more room in there for gas. She starts ok and then the bulb gets soft. Most of the time she stays running and runs fine. Sometimes she sounds like she is going to conk out. Should the primer bulb be hard the whole time you are running the engine???? And if so, what should i do with do i fix it??? Thank You!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 16, 2002
Re: Primer Bulb Question..Help!

If you pump it up hard prior to starting, you should have no air in there, and it should not be possible to squeeze it any more.<br /><br />If it doesn't ever get to that point, you have damaged one way valve which is causing the fuel to run back down into your tank again.. (or an air leak somewhere in your line. Do you have another unit you can test to see if you get the same results?<br /><br />Check all the connections on the host, and the hose itself for cracks, if none are present, the chances are you have a damaged valve in your bulb.<br /><br />a little softening after starting is fine.. its always happened to me,, after all, your fuel pump is pulling fuel up the line, creating a lower pressure then when it was hard, and the float value had blocked off the end.<br /><br />rgds<br /><br />Frank


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2001
Re: Primer Bulb Question..Help!

Sounds like a bad cheack valve, they are cheap. Buy a new one.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 24, 2001
Re: Primer Bulb Question..Help!

When that happened to me I had a leaking #2 carb. The valve was allowing it to flood.<br />But I think the answer to your guestion was answered by Franki when he said a little softening after starting is fine. ;)