preventive maintenance Nissan 50 tldi


Jul 25, 2008
Well I decided to clean the vapor seperator on my Nissan and that got me thinking what else may have crud in it on a 5 + year old motor. Anyone know about cleaning the strainer on the fuel regulator or air regulator? The shop manual only says clean it if foreign matter is present.
Also is there anything else that is replaced before it fails like the thermostat, fuel, air or oil filters, or the high pressure fuel filter?
I also want to buy a pressure gauge to test the pressure of the fuel and air on the air rail. Can anyone suggest a good one? I think it will have to be a high pressure fuel injection version.
Are you out there Tohatsu Guru? I thought you might have had some insight on my previous post about cleaning the the vapor seperator. Hope to hear from you.


Aug 2, 2008
Re: preventive maintenance Nissan 50 tldi

EDIT: Bashing another member is against the forum guidelines

As far as preventative maintenance gose, clean the filters, check the shift/ throttle linkage, check things like the head gasket for leaks, have you gone throught the waterpump? watch out for the WP key, if it gets sloped out you have to glue it in with JB weld or some bearing retainer locktight. the thermastat shouldn't fail but you could check it anyway just to be shure. The HP fuel filter should be fine as long as you have been running a good primary filter like a Raycore

I took a quick look on E bay and there is several FI system testers that will work, one was only $15.00.

good luck, there is nothing more satisfing than doing you own maintenance.