Re: Powerwinch 812C
Did you mean 912?<br /><br />There is a small gear on the end of the motor shaft that you can remove with a 1/2" socket. It dirves the main gear and it will strip out on you. I had one go on my 912 a few years ago and got a replacement for $6 from some place in Virginia Beach. It was easy to replace and Its worked just fine ever since. As I remember I could have just loosened the clamps that hold the motor in place (they are like hose clamps) and slid the motor over about a quarter of an inch. That would have put fresh gear against gear and would have worked just fine for a temporary fix, but I just replaced it instead. Just pull it apart, it will be real obvious how it all works and what needs to be done.<br /><br />Thom<br /><br />Thom