Power trim question.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 3, 2008
I have a 1986 Mercury 50hp. With power trim, when I raise the motor it won?t raise all the way. The trim motor just stops and the motor is approximately halfway between full down and full up to the lock.

It also bleeds off, it will take a couple of hours to bleed down from the halfway point to full down.

Any ideas as to what might be the problem, I was thinking passably the O-rings in the rams might be bad letting fluid bleed back to the reservoir. I am new to boats and I just bought this boat and I haven?t got it in the water yet, I have to put a new lower unit on it witch I ordered today.

I know I am full of questions.

Thanks Jeff?


Sep 10, 2004
Re: Power trim question.

The motor stopping sounds like the trim limit switch is stopping it,try pushing the trim up and the trailer up button at the same time and see it that don't over ride it. The bleed down problem is most likely the cylc.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 3, 2008
Re: Power trim question.

Thanks Laddies, I didn't see the trailer button. It works like a charm.

So with the bleed down you think it is in the tilt cylinders? If so I will need to rebuild them correct?

Thanks Jeff.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Oct 17, 2006
Re: Power trim question.

The attached jpg shows a typical troubleshooting guide for your type of problem. You may find such a guide helpful. An OEM shop manual for your particular motor would be the best source for a troubleshooting guide. I did when I had a similar problem on my motor. As a newbie, I found tilt/trim mechanisms too complicated and hard to work on without an OEM manual and troubleshooting guide. Good luck.


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Jun 13, 2008
Re: Power trim question.

I have a Mercury 60 hp with power trim and tilt. I have one trim relay that works in both the up and down positions. One relay would not work in either. I bought a new relay to replace the defective one from the dealer(exactly the same relay) and this would not work. I took it back and got another. The dearler agreed because one relay worked in both positions it must be the relay. The two new relays worked at best intermittently. I took apart all connections and cleaned everything but cannot get the new relays to work all the time. The relays click and i have power on the green or blue wire going to the trim motor depending in what postion the relay is in but the motor doesn't move. Have any of you had this problem. Why would one relay work in both positions and i cannot get the new ones to work at all times in either position. .


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Oct 17, 2006
Re: Power trim question.

Why would one relay work in both positions and i cannot get the new ones to work at all times in either position.

If I understand your description of what you did so far, you seem to have confirmed that your trim motor and the relays are OK and that you most likely have a problem with your wiring. I suggest that you use a multimeter to test for proper voltage/ground/continuity/resistance at the appropriate places in the wiring when operating the switches. Where you find different readings when the trim works and when it does not work will point to the problem area. The attached jpgs may be of help to you.

These are my thoughts. Others with more experience with troubleshooting trim systems may recognize your particular symptoms and be able to provide a better opinion as to the likely solution.


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Chief Petty Officer
Jun 3, 2008
Re: Power trim question.

hkeiner, thanks alot for the diagram. I will be getting a OEM manual.
