Hi, My power trim just quit working on a 79 140 hp Mariner. I just bought this boat about 3 weeks ago and have been going thru it fixing stuff, had just about everything under control, and pulled it outside to run the motor with muffs. Got ready to push it back inside and the motor would not raise. The solenoids click, for the raise and lower but I can't hear the pump run. I checked the fluid level, was about 1/2 full I added approx. 8-10 oz., no change. I ohmed both motors at 19-20 ohms each. I suspect a seized pump or motor, as my dash voltmeter takes a pretty good dip when the solenoids click. Could this pump be airlocked? Do you need to bleed the lines? Would it be wiser to replace the whole assembly or do they make rebuild kits? I can't find any M# or manuf info anywhere. How do you reference the unit to a parts vendor? Thank you for any help with this problem, great site. Thanks, Stu