Power trim Failure.


Sep 30, 2002
Pardon my English, I live in Sweden.<br /><br />To the problem, I got an Mercruiser 30.l, 130 HP with Alpha One Drive.<br /><br />Power-trim does'nt work as it should, tilt is ok (first 15-20 sek), but then, when it, as I think is suppose to slow down, it just dies, I can hear a click and a squeeling sound from the Solenoid, but nothing happens.<br />Same problem in both directions, up or down.<br /><br />If I force it up, using a cable from the battery, to the point where the tilt should kick in and then tries it again using the switch, then it's working again.<br /><br />Any ideas, could it be the Solenoid, the pump or any sensor ??<br /><br />Unfortenetly I don't have any books yet...<br />Thanks.


Nov 20, 2002
Re: Power trim Failure.

can you chenk to see if there is air int the system? when it does move can you stop it by your hand? try greasing the pivit parts see if that helps.<br />As you can see i am just trying to give somethings to try .


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 15, 2002
Re: Power trim Failure.

Some of these had problems with the fuse. I am not talking about the little rubber fuse holder at the pump. Where the larger red power lead comes in to the pump, it attatches to a little square block that has a leg that goes over to the solonoids. That block is actually a fuse. They assembled these with locktite. on some of them the locktite melted into the fuse and insulated it. There is an easy way to test this. Right next to the fuse is a vertical plastic cover with a phillips head screw in it. Take a test light and hook one end to the gound on the pump. Touch the screw with the other end. The light should come on.when the pump quits on you test it again. If the light dioes not come on replace the fuse. You can also test this by removing the fuse and bypassing it. There are other things that this could be but that is the first one I would check.