Pardon my English, I live in Sweden.<br /><br />To the problem, I got an Mercruiser 30.l, 130 HP with Alpha One Drive.<br /><br />Power-trim does'nt work as it should, tilt is ok (first 15-20 sek), but then, when it, as I think is suppose to slow down, it just dies, I can hear a click and a squeeling sound from the Solenoid, but nothing happens.<br />Same problem in both directions, up or down.<br /><br />If I force it up, using a cable from the battery, to the point where the tilt should kick in and then tries it again using the switch, then it's working again.<br /><br />Any ideas, could it be the Solenoid, the pump or any sensor ??<br /><br />Unfortenetly I don't have any books yet...<br />Thanks.