Power trim and tilt. Only clicks with up


Aug 1, 2007
I just did some investigating and the controls(the throttle and trim) is OMC.
After basically breaking the arm part since it somehow won't come off the main controls I got out the switch. I noticed the trim has 3 wires. A blue,red and green. I followed the wires to a fuse box where their is a cylinder looking thing(sorry, have no clue what it is). I noticed that one wire in the fuse bow not directly related to the power trim 3 wires had a fuse in it so I opened it and the fuse was blown. I replaced it and tried the trim. The down doesn't work at all but when I press up, I hear a single click at that black cylinder thing. I noticed the up wire is green if that helps. Whats wrong ?

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Power trim and tilt. Only clicks with up

It would help if you stated exactly what engine you're speaking of.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 1, 2006
Re: Power trim and tilt. Only clicks with up

i believe your reffering to a solonid,be sure that all connections are clean,and the solonoid should have a ground,that might be the wire you dont know where it goes,look to see if its broke from somewhere,if you can,run a wire from your battery and look for a ground lug on the solonoid,its probably a small one ,as for your trim handle,yu need to take the main handle off and there are screws on the back side,if the switch works ok,you can probably glue it back on with 3m 5200 adhesive,that stuff wont fail,,the fuse may have blown because the other wire may have hit the positive lug,im only guessing here as ,I too dont know what you truly have


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 18, 2007
Re: Power trim and tilt. Only clicks with up

is this a continuation of another post, or is this the first post with this problem?

It sounds like a post from last week.


Aug 1, 2007
Re: Power trim and tilt. Only clicks with up

Fixed it. I was about to quit and I checked every wire and connection and found a connection and just decided to wiggle it forcely since I was mad and it fixed my problem. And the handle, I found two screws on the inside but very impossible to get to. Great design work! But I'm happy. I'm just glueing the handle back. We'll see if that works once it dries. Now on to the next problem! so fun