power jet 120 no spark- continue-


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 16, 2010
kend301 said -reconnect the black/yellow to the switchbox then unplug it from the rev limiter and chack for spark ..

good day. i disconected the black and yellow got spark but the boat started and it was out of water,i went and turn swicjh off and nothing (it ran for like 10 secs dry.) til i got it to turn off by hooking the bk/yelow back together. i also noticed that the rev limitor was disconected, also a long skinny box that to me it looks like it comes with the stator kit. was also disconnected. and ive been riding all summer like that. i reconnected the black and yellow from the switch box and the boat turns off.
i also had the black and yellow to switch box unpluged while running. and i touch the bk/yl off the switchbox and i got zapped . is that normal. is that wire once it gets ground thats how motor turns off. we checked the switches by using a neg/positive tester. and when motor is off is neg. when motor is on is pos. when you pull the safety kill switch it goes to neg, when i use the off button it goes neg. then we followed the wire from the switches to engine. we got the same all the way to the switch box but like before if wires are connected to switch box the motor will have no spark until we disconnected.

oh and another thing -
this boat has a on and off key
a safety switvh incase u fall in water
a switch in dash that in top spring position it cranks motor then you let go it stays in middle if you press down shut the motor down. key does nothin then give power to dash. if i turn key off does not turn engine off.

thanks for anyones help this forum has helped me so much. but now i have other issues i will start thread on those.
i havent check the dva yet but thats next

boat 1995 sea rayder f16
motor power jet 120


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 16, 2010
Re: power jet 120 no spark- continue-

Just wondering if I could install separate switch to the black and yellow wire to cut the engine off. Thanks