

Apr 24, 2005
Proverty rose to 12.7% this year with 37 million Americans living in poverty. That means that one out of 8 citizens in our country. This sounds horrific to me, how about opinions.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Poverty

What does living in poverty mean?<br /><br />Does that mean no cable TV, or does it mean no food, water, and shelter?<br /><br />I think those numbers are based on income, does that include government assitance?<br /><br />My opinion is that there are very few who actually are living in poverty. If you want to see poverty, go visit africa.<br /><br />Ken

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Poverty

I saw a program on the TV last year that went on about poverty in the US of A and they interviewed a few folk in the southern states. One of the interviewees was leaning against a near new vehicle, smoking tailor made cigarettes and his partner was sitting there wearing jewellery that looked mighty fine to me. He talked about how he'd been on an invalid type benefit and was forced to sell his launch because it was becomming to hard to keep on the benefit.<br />I remember thinking how it's little wonder the US of A gets soo many folk from poorer countries trying to move in there and live.<br />To balance the topic they showed folk who were really down on their luck and needed assistance, who were working hard to better their own lot. It is the same the world over.<br /><br />Having said that, I'm well aware of the youth of today and their habit of aquiring material wealth. Clothing, electronics, and vehicles. Partners are not selected on their ability to befriend and form a lasting relationship, rather their car, or hair style or their occupation. <br />Societies norms and mores are being eroded and it's the family that looses first.<br />Sorry to rant, but this is my wee input.......<br />Ross


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Poverty

"Poverty" is a subjective term that our Gov't has tried to make objective by setting an income level as the cutoff. Don't remember what that income is, but it is probably far above the average income of most of the world's people.


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Poverty

I read a study somewhere, sorry cant remeber, but the gist of it was that some of our 'poverty stricken' would be middle class in other countries. With all the benefits the government provides, actual income doesnt tell the whole story.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Poverty

Guess I am the only person that thinks a child that does not get lunch is poverty. Or the homeless begging on our streets (I know they are all frauds). You are right though even those in poverty in this country are better off than many elsewhere. However, sometime take a ride through the slums. I did when arguing no poverty once and it sure hit home. I do not believe you have to be starving to be in poverty and the 12.5% is a government statistic. <br /><br />I do understand that Middle Class started at $110,000 according to the tax relief and cuts given by the present administration so maybe the poverty line designation is much higher than I imagine. <br /><br />Just a thought.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Poverty

I remember driving through the Carolinas and Georgia, seeing houses with the windows broken out, paint long ago peeled off, holes in roof, door missing, probably no electricity and little bone thin black kids sitting on the porch watching the cars go by.<br /><br />Poverty does exist in the USA. It's not just a dollar amount. People are starving right here. You don't have to go to Africa to see it.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Poverty

Look at the folks in NO that went to the dome because they had no other way to evacuate. We have a real problem and can not turn our back on it.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 17, 2002
Re: Poverty

Then "we" need to address this problem in America. Stop trying to support the rest of the world. Take care of our people and let the rest of the world take care of themselves. Let them become productive and take responsibility for their own shortcomings.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Poverty

Don't want to sound heartless and don't remember who said it, but "The poor will always be with us."<br /><br />I have been hungry with no means to secure a meal, I have been homeless. What I have never been is beaten.<br /><br />You would have better luck trying to control the weather.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Poverty

Could someone here please provide a % of those in poverty before Johnsons "War on Poverty"? I'm curious as to how effective the billions spent on correcting the problem have been. Thanks


Feb 19, 2002
Re: Poverty

I can only comment as to "public assistance" here in Indiana. Medicaid patients "wellfare" that I deal with generally drive big SUVs and they all have a cellphone stuck in their ear. Poverty? I don't think so.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Poverty

posted August 30, 2005 10:17 AM <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Then "we" need to address this problem in America. Stop trying to support the rest of the world. Take care of our people and let the rest of the world take care of themselves. Let them become productive and take responsibility for their own shortcomings.<br /><br />--------------------<br />Art Thank you! I've been saying that for years!

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: Poverty

Its the people that are trying to raise a family on $7 an hour part time (38 hour a week) jobs with no insurance that are having problems feeding their kids. I know everybody that has a good job or owns their own business will say that these people should better themselves.Well it is not possible for everybody to better themselves. Most of these people haven't got the resources and earn just enough to not qualify for help. I was there for a time in my life and it sucks. Go try living on $13000 a year and then tell me thats not poverty.


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Poverty

Poverty level according to the US Gov. Family of five living on less them $22,500.00 of income a year. Percent of Americans below poverty level %12.7, information supplied by US census burrow.(sp) As heard on Paul Harvey News.......Good Day.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: Poverty

I live below the Poverty level, (Below $20,000 a year), but I can only do it because I own everything I have including my house. If I had to pay rent, car payments and such, I couldnt make it nearly as well as I do.<br /><br />I am eligable for all kinds of public assistance of which I choose not to partake of any of it.<br /><br />Why do I live like I do?<br /><br />I was poisoned from the many years of Autobody, I have never really recovered completly. (Impossable to prove), There is no way I could actually work for anyone 8 hours a day with someone looking over my shoulder or someone telling me what to do all the time. (Too difficult to explain). I have the best job I could ever have as I can work when I want and not work when I dont feel like it. Now the Guiding is helping some. My wife isnt able to work full time either, she cleans houses a few times a month when she can.<br /><br />Im not hurting though, I live on a lake with a great view, have two vehicles, (Both with well over 100,000 miles, and a decent used Bass Boat and by looking at me, Im surely not starving. Hey, Im rich in many ways. My lifestyle is better than some people I know that make three times what I do. I have almost no stress in my life. Because of the guy I work for mostly, I have access to houses all over the state and one in Arizona. Also I can drive Porsches, Feraries, Corvettes, Mercedes, BMWs and the likes anytime I want. Jet skies, four wheelers also.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Poverty

It all depends of how you define poverty.<br /><br />If you have shelter, food, and water, I dont call that poverty. If thats all you have, I call it poor.<br /><br />Ken


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Poverty

Well poverty can mean alot of different things to alot of different people. I know people on welfare who dont work who have nicer stuff in there homes then I do. I know people who get back huge amounts of money every year from taxes because they are baby factories. I know people who have vehicals by far better then mine every year who dont work........... <br />If your an able bodied adult and your not working you deserve no help. If your disabled or unable to work for a legitamite reason I am all for help. I too have seen people living in shacks with dirt floors and little kids who you know havent had a meal all day and maybe for a couple and my heart goes out to those kinds of people. But the problem is not our country men are keeping them down or our government doesnt do enough, its they cant see a way out. Hard working people tend to get out of poverty. Those who dont want to work and quite frankly never work dont want a way out. Truley poor people living in poverty tend to be hopless so they dont try to get out of that life. We need to teach them how to get a better life not do it for them. I hate it when I see a mom or dad on welfare and they got a smoke hanging out of their mouths and beer in the fridge big screen TV in their living room, newer model cars in thier drive way. Complaining about the man keeping them down......gimmie a freakin break. In my estamation $22,500 a yr is not poverty......it may not be easy, but its not poverty.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 30, 2005
Re: Poverty

Some would starve rather than ask for a gov handout,happens a lot in kentucky. Ignorance is<br />not stupid. Ignorance is lack of knowledge or not having the education to make intelligent decisions. If a person starts life poor and ignorant in a hollow here that is 30 miles from any town it is difficult to get out of that situation. In E. Ky. the poor don't have access to the internet or this forum. I only recently got a computer and the ideas and information I have gained here still amaze me. Just my 2 cents. I have a close family member who will not ask for help. I can not believe this persons pride even though he has gone w/o food for days at a time. I will not ramble on about jobs here, this topic just struck too close to home for me.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Poverty

On the surface it would seem that education is the cure to poverty. Give the kids the mindset that there is a better life available. The problem is that (for some reason) the children of the poor and impoverished often take the same road as the parents. Possibly because the parents don't see the value in pushing their kids towards a better life. <br /><br />Getting out of poverty takes a plan and action. The programs are available. Education and assistance with employment are available but often ignored or tried and dropped after they realize the effort involved in making a better life.<br /><br />I wonder what the success rate really is for the children of impoverished parents achieving self sufficiency and even middle class status? <br /><br />I think the bottom line is that there will always be people who appear to be normal, healthy and able to work who choose to do nothing with their life except just get by. No amount of encouragement, opportunity or incentive will make them change. They will take what freebies they can get and just kick back.