post prop smashing syndrome


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 4, 2001
Hi Guys, long time no chat. <br /><br />The short story is I recently shredded the prop on my 75 Glastron GT150 - Merc 1150. The long story I prefer not to go into ;) <br /><br />Upon first look, I thought the old boy survived with only about 1/2 inch shaved off the skeg and a $100 prop rebuild. Upon further investigation after I got my prop back, I think something else is wrong. (The first thing I looked for was lower unit oil spilling out, but there was none).<br /><br />When dropping the throttle, I get a sensation that you would get if you were spinning the wheels on your car when hammering on the gas. The boat starts to move, but the revs seem much higher than they should be for the rate of acceleration. Eventually the boat 'hooks up' and will eventually climb to speeds of around 40mph (which was normal before the mishap). I can still pull a skier out of the water, but only on two skiis. On one ski the boat hardly moves even though the engine is revving high. Is there a clutch plate or something that could have been damaged? A friend mentioned I may have 'spun the hub', but wouldn't that cause the prop to not spin at all? The pitch of the prop is 19 so I don't think I'm under-propped and causing aeration, but then again, I'm new to this. I did notice that the blades of the prop are very thin after coming back from the rebuild (this was its fifth rebuild), could that be it?<br /><br />Thanks for your help!


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2001
Re: post prop smashing syndrome

Hi OrangeCrushGT150<br /><br />I think your friend is right about the spun hub.<br /><br />You can mark the hub, rubber and prop with a waterproof marker pen. Take it for a test drive and check if the prop has moved.<br /><br />/Bear


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 4, 2001
Re: post prop smashing syndrome

Thanks bear, so when a prop is spun it hasn't entirely broken off inside? So there still enough friction to make the prop turn? This is good news actually, I'd rather replace the prop than have to get into any lower unit work. Thanks again!