I have recently acquired an old johnson 3HP model JWF22G can any one tell me what the point gap setting should be? Currently one is set at .018" and the other at .015". Also, any idea how old it is?<br /><br />Thx
Ahoy, Farfie. A JW22 would be a 1966 3 HP. Is yours one of the folding portables? That could account for the "F".<br /><br />Both sets of points should be set at .020 and the plugs at .030. The plugs are Champion J4J or modern equivalent Champion.<br /><br />Use a 24:1 gas oil mix. 87 Octane, lead and alcohol free gas and TC-W3 rated outboard oil.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB