I have bought through a Insurance Company a Outboard Motor, a<br />2-cyl. and 2-stroke, probaly a 60HP without any idenification (The motor has<br />been stolen before). The serialplates has been removed and the cover has<br />been changed/altered. At this link http://www.dvguiden.com/privat/motor/index.htm you can find some pictures<br />of the motor. Does anybody know what model of motor this is (suzuki,<br />evinrude, yamaha aso.) and what year it is. <br />Please send a mail to: allyse@hardware.no or reply to this post.<br /><br />Link: http://www.dvguiden.com/privat/motor/index.htm <br /><br /><br />Regards,<br />Aleksander Lyse