Re: Please Help....
Thanks for the info on the manual. I will see if I can pick one up. I was wondering if some of you guys could help me with the issues the motor has.<br /><br />First, the engine starts fine when cold and starts fine after its been running and restarted not too long afterwards. However, if the motor has been running and I leave it sit for a little length of time, say more than half an hour, it gets hard to start. I can always get her going, but it takes a lot of pulls. When it's cold, it fires up usually within a couple of pulls. When its warm, and has been sitting for a short time, it always starts one pull. What could be the problem here?<br /><br />I had the motor perfectly centered and bolted to my boat. I find if the boat runs at WOT it tends to pull to one side. If I let go of the till it will swing to one side very quickly. I had the boat loaded down once and so it was much slower at WOT. It didn't pull to one side when the boat was heavily loaded. What would cause this?<br /><br />And one other thing I about the motor that strikes me as odd. When you crank it to WOT it seems climbs up to a RPM limit. After running at limit at WOT for a little while, it all of a sudden sounds like it picks up a few hundred RPM again. It doesn't seem to gain much (if any) speed when the RPM's increase. I find that it takes longer to get that little RPM boost when the boat is loaded. Is this normal? <br /><br />Any help would be appreciated. Also, if anyone has anymore info on a 1978 200 20 hp Merc please let me know. Does anyone know the last year they made these old style Merc outboards (in 20 hp form).