I spent over an hour reading previous posts and could not come up with the answer.<br /><br />I have a intermittent problem with the "steady tone" Temperature Alarm Circuit. It sounds sometimes while running even though I can hold my hand on the engine for several seconds. Water comes from the pee hole with good pressure. The alarm will even sound sometimes when I turn the key on in the driveway at home (not running nor having ran for days). <br /><br />When it is sounding I can disconnect the tan wire to both sensors and the alarm continues, also there is no voltage on the tan wires while sounding. The problem appears to be in the Control Box but the Clymer Shop Manual schematics are garbage. I make my living reading schematics on Industrial Turbine Control Systems and I have never seen anything as poor.<br /><br />Can someone please tell me where the tan wire circuit gets it voltage source and how it passes through the Control Box? Can you recomend a manual with good electrical schematics in it? Best regards.