Re: pistons frozen, need to remove crankshaft
Hi Thunder,<br /> If you have access to a bench-press, it is fairly easy to knock pistons out. This could also save some pistons (which almost always are unusable after the beating it out method).. Roll the block over, plug holes up. Block the block up so that there is clearance under it and room for the crankshaft to move as a piston is pushed downwards. Using the press, one at a time, and a little at a time, push out each piston enough to access the rod bolts. Remove the nuts as they become accessible. By releasing each one as they become accessible, you reduce the risk of torquing the crankshaft and bending it. Once you have all the rods disconnected, remove the crankshaft, and THEN press out any pistons still in the block. You may find that some are more stuck than others. If some of them are one with the block and no amount of force is driving them out, then you may have to cut them out with a Dremel tool. Work slowly and carefully and you may salvage a lot more than the crankshaft...<br />- Scott