Peyton Manning cleared to play

Jan 5, 2012
So, Peyton Manning has been cleared to play by the doctor that gave him his most recent and the Colts' neurosurgeon.

What do you guys think this means? Do the colts give him the bonus and keep him to mentor Andrew Luck, Do they keep manning and use the pick to add talent around him (via trade or draft).

Or do they use that as a way to trade him for talent to build around Luck?


Oct 13, 2008
Re: Peyton Manning cleared to play

It's a sad ending either way. He deserves the MVP award for this season. I think the Docs cleared him to train based on the fusion becoming fully fused, not on his actual ability to play or heeling of the nerve itsself. Sounds like his arm is pretty week, and not in a way that lifting and throwing will help. I've looked around and haven't found much on his two previous surgeries but fusing 2 vertebrae together in the most recent one, plus whatever arthritic changes have happened will really effect his range of motion.

It's a tough spot for everybody involved with that much money at stake, and football is a business afterall. It would be a shame to see him leave Indy but maybe he can pull off a fairly successful Joe Montana type end. I'm sure MN would love to have him.

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: Peyton Manning cleared to play

I wish he'd just hang it up, retire, quit while he's ahead, and Not take a chance on some type of permanent paralysis injury. I know he wants to play and be in the game, but maybe a coaching job, offensive coordinator or a sports commentator job? It's so hard for older athletes to retire...tend to stay around a bit too long, or until they get really hurt!:(


Jun 24, 2006
Re: Peyton Manning cleared to play

Per Irsay's twitter a couple of hours ago, "Peyton has not passed our physical nor has he been cleared to play for The Indianapolis Colts. Team statement coming on Friday," Irsay posted on his Twitter feed early Friday morning.

From what I've read, there is some nerve damage that is keeping him from getting arm strength back so the speculatiion is on how long the nerve regeneration will take.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Peyton Manning cleared to play

From what I've read, there is some nerve damage that is keeping him from getting arm strength back so the speculatiion is on how long the nerve regeneration will take.

I've read that he has little arm strength also. Not sure if re-hab can help since it's all due to nerve damage. If he tries to play like that, it will be a shame and no way to end a career. I think Irsay is all but saying that Peyton is finished as a player with the Colts.