Perko Battery Sw. install

Jerry San Diego

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 18, 2003
I have a 1989 Bayliner Trophy with a 3.0 liter engine and a cobra outdrive. The boat has two batteries. The perko switch has settings as follows- 1,2 all and off. Can you tell me what is supposed to happen when it is switched to each of the settings? Also, I need help in wiring up the switch. I have searched this site and can't seem to find the help I need. Probably basic information to everyone but myself. I would like to have someone describe to me in simple english how to hook up to each of the terminals on the back of the Perko. I have bilge pumps, radio, bait tank depth finder loran and other basic equipment. The switch does not have the connections for the alternator wiring. Thanks so much for any help<br />Jerry

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 15, 2002
Re: Perko Battery Sw. install

if it is new they put a paper in there on how to wire it. it is simple but to explain it will take some time. is the boat left in the slip or the trailer?

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Perko Battery Sw. install

Here are some diagrams from Guest should be the same:<br /><br />
<br /><br />Alternators with INTERNAL REGULATOR:<br /><br />The field circuit wire on alternators with internal regulators is located within the alternator housing and it is impractical to use the field disconnect feature. Protection of the alternator diodes can be achieved by installing a Guest Isolator #2401 (for 70 ampere alternators) or other appropriate model<br /><br />HERE IS HOW YOU USE IT<br />Prior to starting the engine, the operator would turn the battery switch to the BOTH position so that he or she had the full cranking power of the batteries. Once the engine started, the operator would leave the switch in the BOTH position while powering to the day's destination so that both batteries were charged. Once a sailboat began sailing sans engine, or a powerboat dropped the hook, the operator would (in theory) turn the battery switch to the 1 or 2 position, so that the other battery would be reserved for starting. When it was time to crank the engine again, the battery switch would be turned to BOTH, or possibly to the reserved battery, and the engine would be started. <br /><br />The problem, of course, is that this requires a lot of thought on the part of the operator, who is trying to relax in the first place. The inevitable result is that at some point, the boater accidentally leaves the battery switch in the BOTH position, resulting in two very dead batteries.

Jerry San Diego

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 18, 2003
Re: Perko Battery Sw. install

Thank you for the info and the diagram- First, the boat is trailerable and is currently noti the slip. I will be puting the boat in the slip and leaving it for 3-4 weeks at a time then taking it out only to clean the bottom. I have seen the diagram but am still puzzled as to where I hook up my accessories. Does the, bait tank, radios and bilge tanks ect. hook up to the switch on the Number 1 Batt or #2 batt or the Comm connection or not at all there or somewhere else. The diagrams don't show any connections for accessories. I would like to use one batter only for starting and the other for accessories. Thanks again.<br />Jerry

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Perko Battery Sw. install

If you want to keep them separate you should conside not using this type of switch at all but add a battery combiner like the West Marine 150. The combiner allows the batteries to be connected when the alternator is charging but isolates them when they are discharging. That way, you don't risk discharging you starting battery when the engines aren't runnimg.<br /><br />Either way, you hook up you accessories to the battery you want to be your "house" battery (the one for the accessories is often called the house battery and the other the starting or engine battery)<br /><br />You can simply get two bus bars one for your ground and one for you + and hook your accessories right up to the terminals on the bar. You can also purchase a fuse block and do the same. No matter which way you choose, you must make sure, by code, that everything is fused or breakered.<br /><br />Here is how I did mine. I have heavy gauage (4 awg) wire running from the house battery to my console. Under the console the wire feeds two bus bars, a + and a -. Each wire off the + bus bar runs to push button type breaker. The other side of the breakers run to the accessorie switches.<br /><br />Does that help?

Jerry San Diego

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 18, 2003
Re: Perko Battery Sw. install

Thank You Ralph and A.D. <br />I am going to go to West Marine and ceck ot the power combiner and get more info on it. Also thanks for the tips on hooking up my accessaries.I appreciate all the information it all is helping.<br />Jerry


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 25, 2003
Re: Perko Battery Sw. install

$190 is a lot to spend on something like that. I would opt to use a $30 continuous duty solenoid. Wire the trigger/coil to the ignition circuit, so whenever the engine is running, the batteries will be combined and charged. I believe the west marine combiner doesn't automatically parrellel the batteries during starting, but if you use a solenoid, it would. Plus, a solenoid can handle a LOT more current then the relays in the west marine combiner. In my opinion, the $30 solenoid is much better buy than a $190 relay. BTW, the solenoid MUST be continuous duty (west marine has them), not a cheap starter solenoid.

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Perko Battery Sw. install

There are a few differences. The combiner using a voltage sensing relay to prevent the batteries from combining if the voltage is not at least 13.8V. This prevents accidential discharging and guarantees they are only combined when everything is working properly.<br /><br />The combiner 150 handles 150A (hence the name 150)<br /><br />The combiner does not automatically combine the batteries during start - this prevents the starting battery from discharging into a bad/discharged house battery. You wire a simple on/off switch to the combiner to combine the batteries manually.<br /><br />They are also water proof and have status lights so you know everything is working at a glance.<br /><br />You can often find them on eBay at a big discount. But, you get what you pay for and one tow more than covers the cost ;) <br /><br />I use two of them in a 3 battery configuration for a twin boat. I never worry about being able to start my engines after I have been anchored for any length of time and I never have to start my engines to charge things up for peace of mind.

Jerry San Diego

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 18, 2003
Re: Perko Battery Sw. install

Thank you all for your responses. They have been very helpfull and I appreciate the assistance- I think I will leave the perko swith in for now. I I have proplems will consider the other options. thanks again for the help. I now have question re Bilge pump wiring so will try for some help in that area with a new post.