Parts and fuel questions


Feb 24, 2006
I have a 1963 johnson 40 hp super sea horse electricmatic model # RK 25D. I am wondering how hard is it to change out the impeller? water pump? Do you know where i could get these parts? I saw a impeller on here for it, and a few other parts and seals that would not hurt to change out. Also i am looking for a throttle cable if anyone knows where to find one. One other question that i have is what kind of fuel does it take? I mean being so old does it require leaded gas? or will it run on unleaded? I know that they dont make leaded fuel anymore. So would i have to add a leaded additive to the fuel mix?

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: Parts and fuel questions

They're both very easy to replace. The water pump is just the impeller, wear plate, water tube seal and housing. If your housing is in good shape, you can just use a water pump repair kit (impeller, wear plate and water tube seal), or sometimes even just an impeller. Prices range from $50 for the whole kit to $10 for the impeller alone.<br />You can get aftermarket the water pump repair kit or the impeller from Iboats. To get the entire water pump, you must go to your dealer. All parts are widely available.<br /><br />The throttle cable is simply an old style (pre '79) OMC cable. You can get a replacement from your local Johnny/Rude dealer, or aftermarket from Iboats. They sell them for $30 for a six foot length. Best to get a new one of these - they're really a 'consumable' part.<br />*=788355800&**********=229880798&view_id=2068 <br /><br />Lead never did anything for an outboard other than leave deposits. High test fuel causes more problems than regular with the older rubber parts of the fuel system. Stick with regular, 87 octane gas and TC-W3 outboard oil.<br /><br />Hope that helps, let me know if you need more information.


Feb 24, 2006
Re: Parts and fuel questions

thanks for the help. I have never had to work on motor part of boating before, and really would like to with this boat and motor, but to be truthfull, i am kind of scared of messing it up. so I was wondering if anyone had a step by step instruction on how to replace the impeller on this motor. I bought a repair mannual, but it only shows how to do it after you have broke down the lower unit. Does not start from the first thing to the last. I talked with someone who said that you have to be real carfull being that this is a electric shift about the wires getting pulled out. So any help would be great.

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: Parts and fuel questions

Here's the quick list:<br /><br />1) Disconnect the shift wires next to the engine near the back.<br />2) Remove the back half of the midsection's exhaust shroud. There will be a pile of phillips screws that need to come out. If they're proving to be a hassle, invest in an inexpensive impact screwdriver. The kind you hit with a hammer.<br />3) Remove the access plate on the starboard side of the forward part of the exhaust shroud, and then remove the plate behind it. Snake out the electric shift wires so they're free. Soap helps.<br />4) Unbolt the lower unit and pull it straight down. You may have to force it with wedges if the splines weren't properly greased. Don't worry, the only parts that can break are cheap.<br /><br />Installation is the reverse of removal, but be sure to grease the splines and replace the o-ring on them if it's bad. Also, coat all the screws and bolts with gasket sealer or grease before re-installing. This will keep them from corroding in place.<br /><br />Goop is basically what holds the wires into the lower unit, so be careful like you were advised not to pull hard on them. These engines are among the easiest to wrench, excepting the electric shift lower unit. If you run into troubles, we'll be here to help.