OX66 Wrist pin Question for Rodbolt and anyone else with experience

Pound puppy

Jul 19, 2014
I have a SX200TXRA that sounds like a Honda civic with a valve tick and I know that it's not that. I have done a few things to diag the problem and everything leads to the wrist pin on the top starboard(#1) piston. Recently I had a bad head gasket that I took a little bit to figure out what that it was the issue but once I did I fixed it and water tested it and noticed the tick. I think it was due to water intrusion on the cylinder on the down stroke and too much in the chamber on the compression stroke that bent the wrist pin. I have pulled the spark plug and rotated the flywheel to bring the piston just past TDC and just beginning the down stroke and pushed a flathead in and the piston moves, very minimally but still moves which it too much at all. I have tried this several times and have the same results each time. I have no issues with this being the problem and fixing it myself but I want to know the easiest fastest way to accomplish it. I have run compression tests on all 6 and the lowest one I have is 115 all other including the one that had the gasket leak are @120 so going through and replacing all of the pistons and pins seems a bit excessive to me but maybe I'm wrong. Is there an easier way to replace this piston and pin without a complete teardown? Can I manage to pull the intake manifold and the head and pull the piston that way?

I am not opposed to a complete rebuild (ie all pistons and pins, bearings etc.) later on this year but at this time I need the boat back up and running asap since scallop season is two weeks away and the the entire season has already been paid for (lodging, travel expenses etc.) otherwise I would do the rebuild now but I don't have the time to do it now myself and don't have the money to pay someone else the rate they would charge to get it done in my time frame so a bandaid for now will have to suffice.


Aug 22, 2013
Rodbolt has long since left this building. Think he was forced out actually.

Remove the cylinder head. Remove the intake manifold and reed valve assembly to gain access to the connecting rod bolts. Remove the bolts. Slide the piston and connecting rod out of the motor. Install a new wrist pin and piston if needed. Reinstall.

Pound puppy

Jul 19, 2014
So I have removed the piston, there doesn't look or feel like much slop at least not much more than needed for expansion for when it gets to opp temp. But I have ordered a new piston, wrist bearing, wrist pin, wrist clips, rings and a new rod crank bearing for that cylinder. I was talking with someone or reading some where I can't remember now but they were saying something about the joint(barbell for the O2 sensor) possibly being bad which I cannot understand to save my life since its solid metal and really doesn't move. But is that a possibility? Or could it be something else with the O2 sensor assembly?

Pound puppy

Jul 19, 2014
Where can I get the proper service manual for my motor? with the torque specs and all? Also which is the best brand for it as well?


Chief Petty Officer
May 20, 2004
i have a subscription to seloc on line for just my motor and find it very useful. i dont recommend those paper back books thou.those are pretty worthless.