1988, 5.7 L mercruiser with alpha 1 gen1. 140 deg thermostat.<br /><br />New exhaust manifolds, risers, and ciruclation pump last season. <br /><br />Over the winter new water hose at bellhousing and new impeller. The old impeller was fully intact.<br /><br />Upon first start up of season when idling on muffs the coolant tempature needle rose quickly and steadily and I shut it off right before 200 to prevent any damage. I had confirmed a steady flow of water from exhaust ports. While slightly warmer than supplied water, the exhaust water was never even luke warm. The exhaust risers never felt hot. The engine block felt very hot.<br /><br />My first assumption is that this is a thermostat issue. However, given the recent repairs to the impeller and water hose, I wonder if that could be related. Can rule that out as unlikely though, because I saw such a steady stream coming from the exhaust? <br /><br /> I've also heard that air trapped in the circulation pump could cause this problem. Is thisreally likely and could this have happened when I undid one of the hoses to add antifreeze last fall? If this is true, how can I bleed the air from the system? <br /><br />While I am waiting for a new thermostat, will it do any harm if I remove the thermostat completely to test if the overheat problem still exists?<br /><br />Thank you,<br /><br />nat