Overheating troubles with 5.7 Volvo combo


Jun 30, 2008
One valve job later I've got a boat that seems to get hot. water doesn't seem to be getting through the exhaust manifold. I've been running w/o a thermostat so the gauge has cold water on it always but motor and the manifold get very hot. Should water come out of exaust flapper (275 outdrive) as well as the two hoses on either side of the outdrive? Has anyone had a problem like mine?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Overheating troubles with 5.7 Volvo combo

Do you have a year and model number for this 5.7 Volvo?
Did you get all the water hoses back on in the correct place?
Did you install the intake manifold gaskets on the right direction?
Are the manifolds and/or risers plugged up? Did you look?


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Overheating troubles with 5.7 Volvo combo

'87 model boat and oudrive however not sure about stock motor. I looked for blockage in the exhaust manifold but could see none when I had it apart.
Should water come out of the exhaust flapper on the outdrive? it did on our old 270. I pulled the plug on the backs of the exhaust manifolds and got a lot of water out the bottom. Could there be Low Water pressure or a weak water pump?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Overheating troubles with 5.7 Volvo combo

The risers may look clear where they attach to the manifold, but how about the water exhaust ports at the top of the risers. Could also be improperlly installed exhaust hoses installed on the risers and blocking the water flow out of the risers (and manifolds)

Posts some pictures. It's amazing how simple things that can be obvious to a trained eye is overlooked by ......... uhhhhh, ......... untrained eyes.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Overheating troubles with 5.7 Volvo combo

I took the boat out today and seems to be doing better. One thing I did was replace the fuel filter which appeared clogged. If the filter was clogged and causing the motor to run lean could it cause the engine to overheat?

Can anyone tell me what oil to put in a 1988 volvo 275 outdrive?

When I was out today it was peaking at 4500 RPM. Is this okay or should I switch to a slightly lower pitch prop.

When the boat is running, The Impeller assembly on the end of the driveshaft wobbles quite a bit. Is this normal?