i've got a volvo penta 3.0 1997. i had the U shaped hose of the water cooling system go at the start of the season. bilge filled and i shut it down when the water starting sloshing. i replace the hose (and the starter as well) and it ran fine. <br /><br />about 30 running hours later same season the hose went on me again. this time i had a auto bildge in so i ran for a while with the leak (unknowingly) - engine started coughing so i shut it down fast. <br /><br />two questions.<br /><br />1) any idea why this hose would break again so fast? same pump for 2 years. it did come off the first time i put it on - not tightened down enough. could i have stressed it? seems like it should last longer however. i think i run about 170-175 normally. <br /><br />2) what damage to the engine could i have caused? i taped the broken hose and in a short test it started right up - but i didn't run long since i knew tape wouldn't last long (it started small leak again). still waiting to put on new hose and run again but am concerned i might have caused bigger damage. temp guage right after shut down read 175 which is good, but only half engine was getting water... (i assume)... so could i have one side cool and another fryed? <br /><br />..thoughts would be appreciated!<br /><br />...Doug